Collision Auto Glass & Calibration

Save Up To $75 Off Your Insurance Deductible
when you schedule your appointment TODAY!

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FAQ: Will you bill my Insurance Company?
Answer: Yes, we work with every insurance company and are preferred by over 300 different Insurance Companies.
FAQ: My Insurance Company had me call a third party billing service (Lynx Services, Safelite Solutions, Harmon Solution, Claims Office, Allied Claims, etc)
Answer: Insurance Companies have started processing glass only claims through third-party billing services… Yes we bill them all.
FAQ: Can my Insurance Company require me to use a glass shop that’s not my choice?
Answer: NO, there are laws that allow you to choose the shop of your choice.
FAQ: Can my Insurance Company make me use non-factory parts (OEM) for my windshield replacement?
Answer: Yes, this is why it is important to contact the experts at Collision Auto Glass so we can help you navigate to make sure your job is done correctly!



Collision Auto Glass works with every insurance company and or 3 party billing company!

We are a preferred Auto Glass provider for over 300 insurance companies, here are just a few that we mentioned:

PEMCO – Farmers – American Family – Allstate – Safeco – Geico – Progressive – Liberty Mutual – County Insurance – Met Life

and approximately another 300 other Insurance Companies

Important when dealing with Insurance Auto Glass Replacement here are some Facts to remember…

  • We work with every Insurance Company
  • We work with all 3 party billing companies
  • You have the right to choose any glass shop
  • We will never charge more than your insurance allows
  • In most cases, auto glass claims won’t affect your Insurance rates
  • Your deductible is paid to the shop direct after the work is completed

We work with 3rd Party Billing Companies

  • Almost all Insurance Companies today use 3rd party billing network to better assist you to process your automobile glass claim.
  • Two of the biggest are Lynx Services and Safelite Solutions they handle approximately 150 Insurance Companies and our computers are linked to bill everyone one of them direct.

Lifetime No Leak Guarantee*

We are proud to offer a no leak lifetime guarantee* for as long as you own your automobile… What is covered? Workmanship and leakage for only the part that was replaced for as long as you own your automobile. The guarantee is not transferable and doesn’t cover pre-existing or new damage that may have occurred after the replacement part was installed on the automobile. All Parts are only guaranteed by the mfg. all repairs and diagnostics must be performed by Collision Auto Glass, Inc. in a timely manner to avoid further damages.

Free Mobile Services, Call (503) 505-9205